- Mustang Blogs



need help with a 83 front bumper
blog Saturday, December 01, 2012 @ 6:07 PM


83 needs help
blog Saturday, December 01, 2012 @ 5:58 PM


Finally got some color on the ol'raggedity car
blog Saturday, November 24, 2012 @ 8:25 AM

Put some color on the ol'beater.

Started out with a little sanding & filler primer


Jammed in the doors 1st since this was a color change.

Moved the other two stangs out of the garage and got her all taped up.

It is a single staged urethane with flattener in it. Going for a satin look.

Backed it out to see what it would look like in the day light. It's really orange.

Putting all the little stuff back on. I really like the contrast from the orange to the black.

Let me know what yo guys think.






Stay up to date on Mustang events and offers near you!
blog Sunday, November 18, 2012 @ 12:40 PM

As a Mustang enthusiast, I always wanted to stay in touch with what was going on around me and I always felt a little disappointed if I had missed out on a car show or cruise.  When I started becoming involved with promoting my own events, I found there was a certain amount of difficulty in efficiently reaching out to the community.  I was amazed each time I joined a new forum and found new individuals who lived in my area and were interested in getting involved, they just never knew about the cruises that had been going on for the past couple of years.

To combat this, I created Mustang Exclusives, a location where Mustang enthusiasts can sign up and be informed on what's happening near them.  Instead of visiting several forums and polling people on how many will show up, Mustang Exclusives is designed to be a consolidated location for finding upcoming events like dyno days, car shows, cruises, and even parts offers and discounts on Mustang gear.

Here's how it works:

If you're a Mustang enthusiast, you simply sign up and you'll receive emails when individuals promote events or other offers through our site - it's absolutely free!  Using the tools on the pages of our site, you can quickly share the events with your friends and fellow enthusiasts, and if you want to attend, it's as simple as signing up for the event directly through our site - we'll simply send you a voucher you can print off and bring with you.  To learn more, please visit the membership overview, otherwise sign up now.

For event promoters, you can use our site to reach out to Mustang enthusiasts across the nation or just in certain cities around the country.  You create a dedicated page on the site with descriptions, images, embeddable videos, Google map of the location, and even custom HTML code.  This page is designed for enthusiasts to spread the word themselves, but it also works great as a consolidated link for directing all participants to get the details on the events and bringing all participants together.  Instead of having 10 different polls on 10 different forums, you now have one location to track sign ups and we even accept payments for monetized events and forward you your revenues.  For more information, visit our partnership page.

Don't forget to visit us on Facebook or Twitter.


Gunneris up and running.
blog Sunday, September 16, 2012 @ 3:53 PM

Hey everyone. I finally got back on here. This summer has been a very hectic one.  My father-in-law has had alzheimers for the last 5 years and passed on to the Lord about 3 weeks ago. It is a blessing that he went because for the last few months he was in a lot of pain and had to have morphine shots every couple of hours. Even though he was in a alzheimers unit at the local nursing home, the family had to provide someone to be with him 24/7. That took a lot out o everyone. Some had to work and I have to go to the dialysis center every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday morning from 6 to 10 a.m. I did what I could but you always feel like you should have done more. Well the weather guru says that today is the last good day in Minnesota. It's sunny and 75 today but they are forcasting 50,s from here on out for highs and 20's for lows along with cold rain and hints of the white stuff. Just a sign of things to come I guess. The wife and I took the stang for a nice long ride today. Cruised about 100 miles, stopped and had lunch, stopped at a few roadside stands and got some fresh veggies and cruised home, Was a great trip. Tomorrow I will probably get the stang ready for the winter but if we get a warm spell it will be on the road again. If I had know that there were U-Hunts up I would have take some pics. Oh well my fault for not being on here much. Well that about wraps up my summer in a nutshell. Hope to talk to some of you folks this winter. Stay warm and drive careful.


TMA Turbo kit for the 99-04 3.8 Mustang
blog Monday, September 03, 2012 @ 9:07 PM

So I finally decided to add some more power to the 6er...

This weekend I drove to PA (10 hours) to pick up a TMA turbo kit (older one) with a GT35-40R.

My Vortech install required very similar mods, so I am really 80% of the way there.  I will have to do some moving of the ABS system though (I am going to hate this). The only other thing I am a bit worried about is the oil drain on the vortech might be to small for this, which means I may have to retap my oil pan.  I will be doing some research to verify.

Will absoultey be posting pics of the install....  I am debating stopping all shows for the season to get this baby going...  I knew I bought this Garage Lift for a reason... should be much easier doing the exhaust work.

Here is the kit in Tony's garage (I got this kit from v6power)

HKS super sequentialBO

OBX Intercooler

I am hoping this little oil is normal... or not a bad sign..

Modified Headers (the main parts)

At home in my driveway

Close ups... .70 AR


 Showing some scale

TMA Install instructions for those of you that want to follow along

Any Turbo guys here?  If you want to drive up to NH, could use a hand \"smile\"



Made some progress with the Primer'd car
blog Saturday, August 18, 2012 @ 9:26 PM

Starting to make some decent passes in the ol'83. I might just get this thing painted. Went 6.99 @97.8 mph in the 1/8 mile. 


Video was taken with a 20 dollar video camera.


blog Saturday, August 11, 2012 @ 2:45 AM

 So tonight while driving home I stepped on the gas some. There was a clanking sound, not severe but noticeable, white smoke pouring out of my exhaust, once I stopped that car, on the driver side head, near the header there is coolant, and a small coolant leak under the car. Is this a cracked head? Blown head gasket? or what? I'm lost again, every time I turn around something else breaks, can anyone offer me hope that I don't need to do a whole rebuild again?  


Painted my calipers blue
blog Thursday, July 12, 2012 @ 9:24 PM







mustang show
blog Friday, July 06, 2012 @ 5:02 PM

if your going to the mustang show in merrimac nh sunday i'll see you there


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