- Just to put it out in the open by YsOffcr



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Just to put it out in the open

blog Saturday, January 27, 2007 @ 1:00 PM

Before you read further on in this blog please start here with this link:
Let me start with this: If Brad (Yellowshaker04) or GW269 have been offended by anything I have posted then I apologize, it's all in fun no offense was intended.
Lee (convict aka ylwfevr) I can only say if you actually were angry enough to post this kind of of reply I'm surprised. Why? Because from the amount of times I see you poking at people on this site, starting blogs to stir things up, and the other antics you do and say here, I'm really surprised by a comment like "Does anyone have cheese????" set you off.  Personally your comment didn't even slightly raise an eyebrow, I get called worse things face to face at my job almost on a weekly basis, and I've been doing it for years.
What has started to irritate me is it seems everytime someone loses big points on a wager they have to bad mouth the judges.  I think we have started losing the reason for this site, it is for fun and it looks some have lost that objective.  I mean seriously, if you bet on a football team and lost because the QB was pulled because of an arrest are you going to go to the bookie and ask him to give your money back?   You made the wager and you lost the points, its just points, leave J alone he's busy making this site better.
Here's something else, when my wife VenumGurl came on this site she didn't have her Cobra yet. Instead of not having a site she put up pics of a 2000 Cobra R. Never put she owned it, never put it in her profile, only put it was her dream car, that's it.  She also uses it as her avatar to this day.  Well one day she received a PM from J asking her if she really owned the "R" because others thought it was wrong for her to have pics of it up on her site. This made her mad and she almost left the site.  Of course she didn't and we were able to get her a Cobra.  So my point is if you don't have something, don't challenge people to FOs and expect to win all the time.
If it seems I'm a little cranky lately, yes I am. Between political BS at work and the fact my GT is still in my garage damaged with no idea if its gonna be fixed soon or not, I am just a touch cranky.  I am not trying to be seriously hurtful to anyone here, so if I offended you any anyway I apologize, this includes Lee. I really didn't mean to make fun of you intolerance to dairy products either (That's a joke).
I'll step down now...

September MOTM is up!
August MOTM
Can the judges just judge the JFOs........
July's Member of the Month
Can one more person sign up for the Ultimate Tournament?????
17 x 10s For Fox Bodies
MOTM Nominations
April's MOTM
Finally did it.................

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Jan 27th, 2007 @ 5:41 PM

Well said YS.

Jan 27th, 2007 @ 5:43 PM


Jan 27th, 2007 @ 6:09 PM


Good Job YS simple and to the point

Jan 27th, 2007 @ 9:08 PM


You didnt mean to make fun of me? what was the whole mini van thing than? More than just that commet. This is not the 1st time you have made a comment about someone than turn around and say your sorry. You did the same thing with your jfo agaist yellowshaker04. you can only cry wolf so many times YS. Me mad? naw. Rember we are on the net here. If you take things to heart than you spend to much time in chat rooms and need to get a life.

Jan 27th, 2007 @ 9:35 PM

LOL, so if your boss fires you through email, does that mean you cant get mad or upset?  I feel that you should act the same way here as you act in real life.

Jan 27th, 2007 @ 10:23 PM

J if people did act the same as real life the world would be alot safer. I think world peace might come 1st lol.

Jan 28th, 2007 @ 10:47 AM

OK i have an idea we should start a man law group and make laws on what we should say or not say we just have to find the old man  that writes it in the book for referance. lol. meet every sunday night and vent out the problems and come out wuth a salutions hehe

Jan 28th, 2007 @ 4:23 PM

lol i agree but should show proff of purchise lol just to make sure its yours or we work with the honor system pics and the owner next to the car good to go

Jan 28th, 2007 @ 4:31 PM

yea good thunder that works

Jan 28th, 2007 @ 4:35 PM

Hey Q, is that really yer car? I need proof! LMAO!

Jan 28th, 2007 @ 4:37 PM

lmfao yea man its mine lol but if you like i can get proof by members in gotstang or the insurence, or steeda lmao

Jan 28th, 2007 @ 4:45 PM

lmao hey we still need the old man to record all this hehe hell we should start a man law forum lmao

Jan 28th, 2007 @ 4:47 PM

J! Please put a MAN LAW section/forum, so WE can make the rules. Oh yeah, you haft to have few brewskies in ya, when ya make the laws!

Jan 28th, 2007 @ 5:04 PM

yea need the beer but dont toast and touch the top after you took a sip ok that is a law already, hit the bottoms.

Jan 28th, 2007 @ 5:13 PM

Bottoms sound gay to bout we just not touch and said we did?

Jan 28th, 2007 @ 7:27 PM

"Hooked on Phonics"? That does not  mean anything to me. Im rich lol. Tell them Mark lol.

Jan 28th, 2007 @ 7:47 PM

yea ok the sides will work man law

Jan 29th, 2007 @ 1:11 PM

who cares!

Jan 29th, 2007 @ 1:14 PM


i do

Jan 29th, 2007 @ 1:16 PM


Jan 29th, 2007 @ 1:18 PM

when you go and make a comment on my spelling your going to get a reply from me. So deal with it.

Jan 29th, 2007 @ 1:22 PM


Jan 29th, 2007 @ 1:25 PM

and your point is?

Jan 29th, 2007 @ 1:26 PM


just a freindly heads up

Jan 29th, 2007 @ 1:33 PM

friendly huh ?

Jan 29th, 2007 @ 1:40 PM


I like your car. I sent that msg to you so you can see how it feels. If ya going to throw you need to be able to take a punch.

Jan 29th, 2007 @ 1:43 PM


Jan 29th, 2007 @ 1:45 PM

if you watch his video, that is more then enough explanation as why he got into MM&FF.  Well deserved.

Jan 29th, 2007 @ 1:47 PM


lol your out the loop J

Jan 29th, 2007 @ 2:24 PM


I didnt read the message,but you could take that two ways. Either  I cant believe YOUR car got into MM&FF...or Like   Wow I cant believe it.

Jan 29th, 2007 @ 2:29 PM

Based on what Thunderbolt said, I would take the first one.

Jan 29th, 2007 @ 3:41 PM

wow T bolt i am speachless i vote you for speaker of the house.

Jan 29th, 2007 @ 3:44 PM

No thanks.....................I try to fly under the radar.

Jan 29th, 2007 @ 3:50 PM


as for the car building bussines yes your right not many no what it takes and the time that is used to make a work of art, i build a 66 even learned how to weld man it was a job, but the outcome is awesome, being an aircraft mechanic myself to me it was a challenge not only to build the car but also to manage the money and the time between the family and work, I saw your video my hat is off awesome job and you deserve that magazine artice, congrates.


Jan 29th, 2007 @ 3:53 PM

Hey thanks Luis........................if ya ever in Louisville, look me up. The 1st beer is on me.

Jan 29th, 2007 @ 4:04 PM

you two should tie the knott

Jan 29th, 2007 @ 4:05 PM

yea bro no problem 2nd on me

Jan 29th, 2007 @ 4:06 PM


Im not a kid. all of ylwfevrs work was done by me

Jan 29th, 2007 @ 4:47 PM


ok mr. one track mind. The Roush body kit. I painted...check...the blower installed by me...check...not to bad for a 28 year old. wait here is some more stuff that i have done not with cars by 28. VP of a company, traveled to 17 different countrys, Bought my 1st new house at 21. skated on the pro tour, won a mmff shootout, and much more. have you even ever left your state?

Jan 29th, 2007 @ 5:07 PM

thunderbolt64, convict has done a lot of stuff. I can back this. I live near him. it makes you sound like a real dick when you say i can do this and i can do that. if someone can afford to buy there dream car than power to them. maybe you dont have the funds to do so but thats great you can do all that nice work.

Jan 29th, 2007 @ 8:53 PM

this has turned into get the last word contest. i give up you win. cya around.

Jan 30th, 2007 @ 8:02 AM

I giv yu credut grEg.  lmao

Jan 30th, 2007 @ 8:08 AM

dnag riTe

Jan 30th, 2007 @ 8:36 AM

I might even do it for ya.

Jan 30th, 2007 @ 8:39 AM


Damn! My own hit man! Cool!



Jan 30th, 2007 @ 8:39 AM

1st beer on me thunder. im sure your alright as well.

Jan 30th, 2007 @ 9:04 AM

Didnt think you were a drinker Lee.

Jan 30th, 2007 @ 9:11 AM

Add Another Comment

Jan 30th, 2007 @ 9:18 AM

Convict you have a degree too?

Jan 30th, 2007 @ 9:24 AM


Jan 30th, 2007 @ 9:27 AM

Im talking College, not highschool.   What school and major?

Jan 30th, 2007 @ 9:55 AM


J asked if he had a degree sam. Looks like mabe you cant read yourself. lmao

Jan 30th, 2007 @ 9:56 AM



Jan 30th, 2007 @ 3:05 PM


Hey now I didnt write that shit and have no clue why my poor name was drug threw the mud........ LOL and by the way that shit didnt work fer me at all.    

My Dyslexia kicked in, and I made a booboo! The reference should of been made about YSofficer, and not yosemiddy. Sorry if ya got a little mud thrown your way, no harm intended.

Jan 30th, 2007 @ 3:48 PM

AHHH Sam needs a little mud thrown at him. He likes it. You know how West Virginians are. lmao  J/K Sam


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