- Thank God For Fox Bodies.. by Nay



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Thank God For Fox Bodies..

blog Thursday, January 04, 2007 @ 2:08 PM

That's one of our two covered [Paid for monthly, mind you..] parking spots that's currently being overrun by a Nurse in a F150. The spot is registered to Brenden, but because of that big ol' truck, I have to park there. Well, lucky that his car is a foot wider than mine, and atleast one of us is able to get in there... And to make matters worse, she told our land lady that she was getting a New Beetle by the end of December, which is why she let her have a covered spot anyways! .. Ugh. Thank god for Fox Bodies!
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Jan 4th, 2007 @ 4:38 PM


You need to go over to her apartment and tell the bitch to move to her truck over. Take a copy of this picture to the managers office show it to her and tell her that you paid for the damn parking spot and to tell the alcoholic bitch to park correctly.

Squeaky wheel gets the grease... he who bitches the most gets the most. Get on both of their asses with a big stink.

88 Fox Saleen
Jan 4th, 2007 @ 5:54 PM

i am w/ crimson black! this is how i have handled things in the past when these things happen after several warnings. when assholes continue to be asshole, i go get my knife & flatten all 4 tires at once! i dont play these games anymore & for NH people its all the Massholes moving into NH causing these problems! a point needs to be made now or never. this bitch in her big stupid truck needs a lesson taught. the big FUCK YOU is the message to drive home. if i dont do the tire thing, i will run my key up & down the vehicle. done it before & i am sure it wont be my last. i live in a condo development so i know all to well what these situations bring & your problem was an everday thing for me for years as we dont have assigned parking. a week after my car was painted i had a drunk neighbor open thier door right into my drivers side door causing a paint flaw & ding. so i caused a little flaw on their car like pouring brake fluid all over the hood! all the paint bubbled off the hood within a few days they moved about a month after LOL. somethimes, just sometimes, you have to be the bigger asshole LOL. its only then that these fuckheads get the point. just dont get caught LOL & leave no evidence. yes, my neigbors probley hate me but they dont fuck w/ me & at all cost avoid me :-) just the way i like it :-) dont mess w/ the guy w/ the shaved head!! or, you can just ask politely for her to move. IMHO, my way is more fun though LOL & there is nothing better than pissing someone off who has really pissed you off 1st. no, i dont mind confrontation at all :-)

88 Fox Saleen
Jan 4th, 2007 @ 5:58 PM

yes it does LOL!!

88 Fox Saleen
Jan 4th, 2007 @ 6:01 PM


I will do to the hilt for any GS member. where do you live LOL? J/K but in all seriousness, i do fully understang (LOL) your issue. let it be know that anyone who damages a fox mustang will have a beating delived to them :-)

Jan 4th, 2007 @ 6:07 PM


Hey, when the bitch moves her truck for work park your big stang in there at an angle using both spots and leave it there for a week. Suffer and make do with just one car.

If she pulled straight in the damn truck would fit perfectly.

If the manager says anything to you tell them to fuck off. "I asked you to take care of this and you acted like a pussy about. Now I will deal with it my way. Now mind your own fucking business. Next time I come to you with a problem you damn well better take car of it. By the way, I need the name, address and phone number for your boss. Maybe they can help me next time I have a problem."

88 Fox Saleen
Jan 4th, 2007 @ 6:56 PM

now there a plan!

Jan 4th, 2007 @ 11:35 PM


just go rent a u-haul

j/k if it stays a problem just keep parking closer to their side...I did that with my stang when parking was a problem for me here too (and I own the fucking place) I kept making sure I was moved over to take up all my available space closest to the other person...forcing them to move the fuck over.  -after a while she started to see the problem and now she knows where the line is- she now is parking 1-2 feet away from where she was parking before.

..after all that now I park in the garage again for winter, now J can park next to her- but she seems trained now on staying over.

if all else fails, play hard ball like saleensc says. -but I know a uhaul will do the trick

88 Fox Saleen
Jan 5th, 2007 @ 2:23 PM

i feel so bad for the both of you to have to deal with this. like i said i know all to well about this crap. my car lives over someone elses house now & has for the last 4-5 years because of little dings on my car from asses parking to close or like whats going on with you, over the line & into my/your space. every time i want to drive my SC i have to go to where it lives & this is all because of this exact thing. i cannot even park my own mustang at my condo. ( & i own it too!) we have no assigned parking spots, its just a free for all. sometimes i cannot park in lot because the Massholes from Lowell who moved in have parties & the lot is filled w/ Massachussettes cars. just shoot me now. neighbors really fucking suck!

Jan 5th, 2007 @ 7:11 PM


Jan 5th, 2007 @ 7:11 PM


Jan 5th, 2007 @ 7:12 PM


Jan 5th, 2007 @ 7:14 PM


i posted your pics so we can see them

she obviously is a cunt

i would be moving

88 Fox Saleen
Jan 5th, 2007 @ 8:35 PM


YEAH! you said it Nicole! thank you LOL. this situation has gotten WAY out of control! i honestly feel so bad for you. thats like seeing a family member or one of your kids about to get hurt by someone else!

Jan 7th, 2007 @ 6:15 PM


my long as you feel the need to park there- park 5 inches from the line...then see how close she is and take the picture.

sounds like the landlady will be talking to hold your breath and see how it plays out.

Jan 8th, 2007 @ 7:16 PM

“” just occurred to me how funny if you got some of the orange traffic cones from home depot and marked off the line- maybe get two and put a police line do not cross tape between the two cones ....

88 Fox Saleen
Jan 9th, 2007 @ 4:52 PM

LMAO -I like that idea. maybe hire a worker in orange w/ flashlights in hands to guide her :-)


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